How to Delete
From a list of items, delete by swiping left to right or right to left across the Row. A red [Delete] button appears. Press delete to confirm or press any other area on the view to cancel.
Delete Customer
The above example shows the customer "Vatilo" after a swipe, before delete confirmation. Customer deletes cascade down to the Projects within the deleted customer. Deleting a customer with three projects also deletes the three projects under the customer
Delete Project
The above example shows the project "Template One" after a swipe, before delete confirmation. Project deletes cascade down to the Rooms and Loads within the deleted project. Deleted projects are permanently removed from the application.
Delete Room
The above example shows the Room "Bath" after a swipe, before delete confirmation. Room deletes cascade down to the Construction Items within the deleted room. Deleted rooms are permanently removed from the application.
Delete Load
The above example shows the Construction Item (Load) "Garage Wall" after a swipe, before delete confirmation. Notice the example wall contains a Wood/Metal Door named "Door". Deleting the Garage Wall cascades the delete down to the Door. The same delete rule applies to Windows on Walls and Skylights on Ceilings. Deleted Loads are permanently removed from the application.
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