Project Information and Climate
Project Information is a summary description of the project, name, and type of calculation. To access select "General Information" from the "Project Home" view:
Project Information and Climate
Enter a descriptive name for the project
Select a customer for the project. When you tap the row the customer select view appears so you can confirm or change the currently selected customer:
In this example the selected customer is the "Default" customer
For your use, enter any project notes.
Load Totals
Use the Heating switch to enable/disable heating calculations for the entire project.
Use the Cooling switch to enable/disable cooling calculations for the entire project.
Template Project
Use this switch to indicate whether or not this is a "Template" project. Use template projects to define structures typical to your area. Template project show up at the top of the list when selecting a source for new projects.
The Climate View describes the conditions the occupants desire inside and the environmental conditions outside the structure.
Desired Indoor Climate
Enter the desired Winter dry bulb temperature. A typical temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Enter the desired Summer dry bulb temperature. A typical temperature is 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Humidity Percent
Enter the desired indoor relative humidity as a percent, such as %50.
Outdoor Climate Conditions
Use Location
Select this option in the tab bar if you want to base your outdoor climate conditions based on a nearly location. This is usually the best option, especially if there is a location in the database within close proximity to your structure. Selecting this option "greys out" the Custom fields and enables entry and selection of the location fields.
Enter Custom
Select this option if you want to enter the outdoor conditions. Selecting "Custom" will "grey" out the location selection fields and enable the custom fields.
Select Location
To change country select the "Country" row to display and select the appropriate Country:
To change location (weather station) select the "Location" row to display and select the appropriate Location. Note that the list is sorted and sectioned by State or Region:
Enter Custom Values
For tab selection "Enter Custom" the custom climate fields are enabled.
Summer Dry
Enter outdoor Summer dry bulb temperature.
Summer Wet
Enter outdoor Summer wet bulb temperature.
Winter Dry
Enter outdoor Winter dry bulb temperature.
Enter the latitude.
Enter the elevation.
Daily Range
Enter the Daily Range, Low, Medium, or High.
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