Basement (below grade) Wall
Basement (below grade) Wall
Construction (Load) Type
Press the row to select and bring up a Selection list of Basement Wall types defined within the application.
Select a type from within the list and press [Save] to return to the Above Grade Wall view.
Wall Direction
Direction is not required for a wall but useful if one or more windows are located on the wall. Any windows on the wall may inherit their orientation from the wall making it easy to change orientations of the entire structure by changing just the walls. Windows are not required to be oriented with walls so this feature is optional. A 20' x 30' structure can have one wall at 20 + 30 + 20 + 30 or 100' long x 8' high.
Enter a reference for the item.
Shaded Wall
Yes or no indicates whether or not the wall is shaded. Shaded walls get credit for cooling loads.
Below Grade Depth
Press the row to bring up a selection view with below grade choices. This is the (average if sloped) amount of the wall located below grade.
Enter length.
Enter height.
Opening area is automatically calculated by summing the area of all child items on this wall. In the example above, if 100' of wall has four windows and two doors the area for these items is automatically taken out of the wall area so that the load for this area is not calculated twice.
Opening area is subtracted from Total Wall Area to calculate Net Area.
Yes or no indicates whether or not Heating is calculated for this load.
Yes or no indicates whether or not Cooling is calculated for this load.
Count is the number of occurrences of this particular item, typically one.
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